Friday 10 November 2017

Autumn 2 Topic Letter - Year 5

Our New Topic

After a lovely 2 week break, we are ready to get stuck into our next topic - ‘To Infinity and Beyond’! Our Literacy, Geography, Science, Music and Art will all be taught as part of this space-themed topic.

In Literacy this term we will be reading and writing a range of non-fiction texts to do with our space topic. We will also be exploring some poetry about space and have a go at some impressive descriptive writing about space. We will be focusing on making sure our writing is at a year 5 standard by revisiting different sentence structures, word classes and paragraph use as well as learning even more writing skills to make our writing interesting and exciting to read. The children will continue to work through the Read, Write Inc. spelling scheme and daily reading, with some more focused guided group reading each week.

This term in Maths we will be working on formal written methods for multiplication and division, learning about factors and multiples, squared and cubes numbers and prime numbers. We will also use our knowledge to solve a variety of problems. We will also be learning about statistics and interpreting data on a graph.

In Science we will be learning about space! We are really excited to find out as much as we can about our solar system and the way we move around it. We will use this knowledge to explain why we have seasons and how we have day and night, as well as investigating time zones around the world. At the end of this term, we will be learning about the different phases of the moon and we will discuss Newton’s discovery of gravity to help us understand the moon and its position in space!


Now it is getting colder, please make sure your children are coming in with coats and jumpers! This should be their responsibility, but we have had some forgetful mornings already this week! We have also had several children forgetting their PE kits - we have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays. It is no problem if kits are left at school between holidays, as long as they go home for a wash each break.

If you are happy for your children to walk home by themselves, please write a letter (if you haven’t done so already!) so we know you have given consent.

Home Learning

We will be sending home weekly spellings and homework this term. The spellings will also be available on the blog and homework will be available on Google Classroom. We love seeing all of the wonderful learning going on at home! Please do plenty of reading at home as often as possible too - it all helps with other skills we are learning and using each day at school.

This term, we would also like the children to create something to do with space. This could be a powerpoint, a poster, a model or anything else you can think of! This is to be completed and brought to school by Monday 11th December, so there are several weeks to start getting creative! We’re really excited to see your creations.

Keep checking our blog to see what we’re getting up to in school. Please don’t hesitate to come and speak to us if and whenever you need to.

Thank you for your continued support,

Heather Charlesworth Hayley Mullett
Karen Mutton Debbie Pike

Sandra Luffman

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