Friday, 7 February 2020

Please follow us on Twitter as the blog will no longer be updated....

To follow Year 5 please search SPS_Year_5

Thank you!

Mr Ross and Mr Pavey

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Friction investigation - Science

This afternoon Poplar were learning all about friction and we had our very own Grippiest Shoe Competition! The children set up their own group investigations to find out which person in each group had the shoe with the most grip. We have four finalists ready for the grand final tomorrow!

Friday, 8 November 2019

Gravity and Air resistance investigation - Science

Year 5 have been busy investigating in Science! The children were given a glue stick, a pen, a tennis ball and a piece of paper to test the effects of gravity and air resistance. The approaches they took were all different but all proved to be effective and give some interesting results!

VR Experience - Computing

Year 5 had a fantastic time on their Virtual Reality Space experience! They flew through space finding out about lots of the different planets on their way. Tom, from the VR company, commented on how well behaved and friendly  the children all were!

Monday, 21 October 2019

War Dances - PE/Dance

Having found out about the Haka and other traditional war dances during the rugby world cup, children in year 5 had a go at coming up with their own - they were really quite intimidating!!!

Solar System - Science

To find out how big our Solar System really is, we had to go out onto the field! The scale size stretched the entire length of the field from one corner to another!

Maths investigation

Rowan class were investigating the cheapest way to go on holiday to Australia!